Our Restore Jobs program is at the heart of the opportunities that we offer people to move from instability to stability. We offer transitional employment, coaching, and life skills training to individuals with barriers to employment. Regardless of what someone has experienced and engaged in the past - incarceration, substance dependency, adverse childhood experiences, or homelessness - Restore Jobs maximizes the opportunities to move towards holistic stability.

David’s story

Jessica’s story

Roadmap to Stability

In our work, outcomes look like changed lives - movement from instability to stability. We measure these outcomes through our stability index. This tool addresses practical markers of stability such as stable housing, emergency savings, reliable transportation, and employment. It also measures relational health in an individual’s friendships, self image, work performance, and relationship with God. 

This weekly score gives a reference point for the personal growth and transformation that happens over the course of time that a person is in our Restore Jobs program.

A firm foundation to build on.

Meaningful work.

Healthy friendships and strong families.

Reliable transportation, emergency savings, good housing, and long term sobriety.

Joining in God’s work of restoration in our community and our world.